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surah fath by sudais

The surah fatah abdul rehman Diaries

We've been happy for the help us and respect your worry for our continuation and ask God to simply accept us and make our do the job pure .

ହ ାର ବହନ ମୃଗୁଣିକୁ େଡିଥିଲା କଷଣ,ହକହତ ବଡ଼ ବିେତ୍ତିରୁ କରି ଅଛ ତାରଣ।

Humul lazeena kafaroo wa saddookum ‘anil-Masjidil-Haraami walhadya ma’koofan any yablugha mahillah; wa law laa rijaalum mu’minoona wa nisaaa’um mu’minaatul lam ta’lamoohum an tata’oohum fatuseebakum minhum ma’arratum bighairi ‘ilmin liyud khilal laahu price rahmatihee numerous yashaaa’; regulation tazayyaloo la’azzabnal lazeena kafaroo minhum ‘azaaban aleema

जो तुमसे प्यार करे तुम भी उससे प्यार करो

और दूसरी (ग़नीमतें भी दी) जिन पर तुम क़ुदरत नहीं रखते थे (और) ख़ुदा ही उन पर हावी था और ख़ुदा तो हर चीज़ पर क़ादिर है

Praise be to Allah , Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our learn Muhammad and his relatives and companions as a whole.

Verily individuals that plight their fealty to thee do no fewer than plight their fealty to Allah: the Hand of Allah is about their hands: then any one who violates his oath, does so on the hurt of his personal soul, and Anybody who fulfils what he has covenanted with Allah,- Allah will quickly grant him an incredible Reward.

That Allah might forgive thee thy faults in the earlier and those to stick to; fulfil His favour to thee; and guidebook thee about the Straight Way;

Those that pledge loyalty to you personally [Prophet] are actually pledging loyalty to God Himself- God’s hand is placed on theirs––and anybody who breaks his pledge does so to his very own detriment: God will give an awesome reward to your 1 who fulfils his pledge to Him.

so that Allah could forgive you your shortcomings, irrespective of whether earlier or later, and will entire His favours on you and guidebook you towards the Straight Way,

और (इसके अलावा) बहुत सी ग़नीमतें (भी) जो उन्होने हासिल की (अता फरमाई) और ख़ुदा तो ग़ालिब (और) हिकमत वाला है

ଗଜରାଜ ଡାକ ହଦଲା ଥାଇ ହ ାର ଜହଳଣ,ଚକ୍ର ହେ ି ନକ୍ର ନା ି କୃୋ କଲ ଆେଣ।

مُّحَمَّدٞ رَّسُولُ ٱللَّهِۚ وَٱلَّذِينَ مَعَهُۥٓ أَشِدَّآءُ عَلَى ٱلۡكُفَّارِ رُحَمَآءُ بَيۡنَهُمۡۖ تَرَىٰهُمۡ رُكَّعٗا سُجَّدٗا يَبۡتَغُونَ فَضۡلٗا مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ وَرِضۡوَٰنٗاۖ سِيمَاهُمۡ فِي وُجُوهِهِم مِّنۡ أَثَرِ ٱلسُّجُودِۚ ذَٰلِكَ مَثَلُهُمۡ فِي ٱلتَّوۡرَىٰةِۚ وَمَثَلُهُمۡ فِي ٱلۡإِنجِيلِ كَزَرۡعٍ أَخۡرَجَ شَطۡـَٔهُۥ فَـَٔازَرَهُۥ فَٱسۡتَغۡلَظَ فَٱسۡتَوَىٰ عَلَىٰ سُوقِهِۦ يُعۡجِبُ ٱلزُّرَّاعَ لِيَغِيظَ بِهِمُ ٱلۡكُفَّارَۗ وَعَدَ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّـٰلِحَٰتِ مِنۡهُم مَّغۡفِرَةٗ وَأَجۡرًا عَظِيمَۢا

[This was so] that Allah might confess to His mercy whom He willed. When they had been aside [from them], We would've punished those who disbelieved among them with agonizing punishment

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